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My first video for BBC Bitesize goes live on the website

17 January 2020

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I'm pleased to announce my first video has gone live on the BBC Bitesize website, which stars influencer Jack Edwards.

The 3-minute clip sees Jack discussing organisation tips with Radio 1's Katie Thistleton. Filmed in Manchester late last year, the video finally went live after a week's edit and review.

Jack stressed the importance of "working out what works for you" and that many "don't realise how much you can do in an hour." He also emphasised the power of to-do lists and how sticky notes can help people keep track of deadlines.

BBC Bitesize itself launched in 1998 as a study support resource for school-age students. It is currently extending content beyond the curriculum into areas such as careers, university and apprenticeships, wellbeing and healthy relationships.

You can view the video on the BBC Bitesize website by clicking here.

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